Meet GG
1st African American (man or woman) to win Singles and All- Events Gold medals for Team USA
1st African American to compete for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Women's Bowling Team #GBR
1st African American to become a bowling All-American at UNL
Outside of being a professional athlete GG is a:
Graduate from UNL with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Informatics
Daughter of 2 of the best people in the world
Upon graduation, GG decided that more respect and visibility were required for her sport. Therefore, she vowed to be a global ambassador for the sport of bowling and launched her company Got Game, LLC in 2018. Not only is she an ambassador for the sport of bowling, but she's an advocate for all other non-traditional sports that don't get the recognition they deserve!
The mission of Got Game is to promote and elevate the sport of bowling so that it is viewed as more than a recreational activity. Got Game shall strive to make bowling as popular as basketball, football, baseball, hockey, golf, and tennis! GG is striving to create equal opportunities between her sport and traditional sports. All proceeds GG receives from Got Game are used for her tour expenses until she receives the opportunities that traditional PRO athletes receive.
GG sends love to her #GotGameFam 💙